3 minute read

Let’s look at some of the most interesting and exciting features introduced in C# 10.0.

What’s new in C# 10

Global usings & implicit usings

Actually, I’m not sure I like this two things. I like things to be mostly explicit, without much of an implicit magic.

But, we shall see how it comes - may be it will be great to use them.

It seems that this features enabled Minimal APIs templates and further simplified Top-level programs introduced in C#9.

Global usings

We have a new way of declaring usings - once for entire project:

global using MySuperLongCompanyName.MyNotSoLongFancyApplicationName.AndSomeMoreSomething.Common.BecauseEveryoneLovesCommon;

Of course we still can use using static XXX(anyone uses it?) and namespace aliases.

Another way to add namespace for entire project is to add to a .csproj file:

<Using Include="OmgThisIsAwesome.HideYourUsingsFromEveryoneEyesInCsProjFiles">

Implicit usings

New projects created from .NET 6 templates will have this feature enabled by default and it will provide your project with a list of global usings depending on your project type.

Feature is controlled by this flag in .csproj


and we can disable it like


and it creates auto generated file in obj\Debug\net6.0\ProjectName.GlobalUsings.g.cs (for console app)

// <auto-generated/>
global using global::System;
global using global::System.Collections.Generic;
global using global::System.IO;
global using global::System.Linq;
global using global::System.Net.Http;
global using global::System.Threading;
global using global::System.Threading.Tasks;

File-scoped namespaces

This is a cool and simple one! Gives -1 to Nesting Level.

Write this:

namespace MyCoolNamespace;

class XXX

instead of this:

namespace MyCoolNamespace
    class XXX

Type-inference for lambdas

With every new version C# is becoming more and more similar to JavaScript (for good or evil).

Now we can do this

var writeSomething = (string something) => Console.WriteLine(something);

instead of this

Action<string> writeSomething = (string something) => Console.WriteLine(something);

or even specify return types for some strange cases

var someStrangeLambda = object (int someParam) => someParam>10 ? "YES!" : 42;

Record structs

Note: for record classes see this article.

Now we can declare record structs!

public record XXX {...} // record class
public record class XXX {...} // also class

public record struct Student // this will be a struct
    public int Id {get;init;}
    public string Name {get;init;}="John"; // property initializer in struct!

// and we can even do this (positional records)
public record struct Teacher(int Id, string Name); // brevity is the sister of talent (c)

This will be a good replacement for Tuples.

WARNING! Unlike record classes record structs are mutable (which is strange and doesn’t look consistent to me) - so we shall use readonly keyword to stop this:

public readonly record struct Teacher(int Id, string Name);
// will give compile-time error if we will try to mutate properties

and use this to mutate records:

var mutatedTeacher = teacher with { Name = "Teacher-man!" };

Extenteded Property patterns

Property patterns were around since C# 8.0 (and they are awesome), but now we can write more clean code by referencing nested properties with simple dot-patterns:

var car1 = new Car
    Id = 1,
    OwnerName = "John",
    Model = new ModelInfo
        Model = "Mustang",
        Manufacturer = "Ford",
        ModelYear = 2016

var car2 = new Car
    Id = 1,
    OwnerName = "John",
    Model = new ModelInfo
        Model = "Explorer",
        Manufacturer = "Ford",
        ModelYear = 2021

var cars = new[] { car1, car2 };

foreach (var car in cars)
    // BEFORE
    if (car is Car { Model: { ModelYear: 2016 } })
        Console.WriteLine($"Found 2016MY: {car.Model.Model}");

    // NOW
    if (car is Car { Model.ModelYear: 2016 })
        Console.WriteLine($"Found 2016MY: {car.Model.Model}");

Additional info can be found here and here.


Thanks to Caller expression attribute we can now simplify null checks:

public void ReplaceTires(Tire tires)
        // BEFORE (Notice that we need to use argument's name twice, which can lead 
        // to an error)
        if (tires == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(tires));

        // NOW